Pool­rooms of the Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing

The Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology has two computer pool rooms in P1.6.12.4 and P7.2.02.1, equipped with 22 respectively 24 computers running under GNU/Linux. Furthermore, it is possible to plug in private notebooks in both pool rooms or to use the study corner in P7.2.02.1. In addition, there is a learning center for electrical engineering in P1.7.09.3, which is supervised by the department of technology didactics and offers space for self-study or exchange and collaboration with fellow students. There is also the possibility to connect private notebooks to a power outlet.

The pool rooms can be used by all institutes of the faculty for exercises and seminars that require the use of computers. Interactive whiteboards are available for teaching purposes. In this context, events of the institute EIM-E have priority of use over EIM-I/M. In addition, the pool rooms are available to all students of the faculty for "free practice" during regular building opening hours.

Please make booking requests in our booking system (only available in the university network). There you can also see directly whether the desired pool room is also free at the desired times.
After checking your booking request, normally within one working day, it will either be rejected or accepted.

The following information is always required for booking requests:

  • Field "Title of request":
    Event number, title of the event, type of event (lecture, tutorial, etc.), lecturer.
  • Fields "Name", "E-mail address", "Phone number", "Area":
    Contact details of the person making the reservation
  • Field "Remarks": as required

Please use the email address et2_raumanfrage(at)lists.upb.de to make inquiries about room reservations and cancellations.  
For questions about technology and equipment, please contact the central email address poolraum-admins(at)ei.upb.de.

Notes on the access control system for P7.2.02.1 & P1.6.12.4:

  • Students should all have an access card, therefore overriding the access control system is prohibited. Information on how to obtain an access card can be found under "Facilities and Uses - Access Requirements".
  • A locking authorization for the pool rooms P7.2.02.1 & P1.6.12.4 can be requested via e-mail from the pool room officer Dr.-Ing. Carsten Balewski (carsten.balewski@upb.de). This authorization allows the door to be permanently unlocked via the access control system. It is important here that the door is locked again after the event.

General instructions for P7.2.02.1 & P1.6.12.4:

  • The material for the "writable" whiteboard panels is located in its own plastic box in the media cabinet. The box must be completely locked back in the media cabinet afterwards. If material is missing or defective, please inform the pool room representative Dr.-eng. Carsten Balewski (carsten.balewski@upb.de, external Tel. 05251-602995, internal 2995).
  • The rules of use on the page https://ei.uni-paderborn.de/institut/organisation/poolraeume/ also apply to the lecturers.
  • Each booker is responsible for the room, i.e. he/she must ensure that, among other things, the whiteboard is cleaned and that the seating is also left in a tidy condition.
  • Please note that the number of seats in the pool rooms is limited. If additional seating is needed in P7.2.02.1, it must be moved back to the back or stacked there after the event.
  • Whiteboard materials (cleaning supplies, sponge, (spare) pens) are located in the box in the media cabinet:
    • The magnetic sponge is for dry cleaning during the event, spare wipes are in the media cabinet.
    • Materials for proper wet cleaning after the event can also be found and used in the media cabinet.
  • IMPORTANT: Damages, problems, missing material etc. have to be reported promptly to the pool room representative Dr.-Ing. Carsten Balewski (carsten.balewski@upb.de, external Tel. 05251-602995, internal 2995). Also, if the room is found in a messy condition, please let us know, then the previous user can be informed accordingly.

Additional note for P1.6.12.4:

  • This room does NOT have additional seating!!!

The pool rooms are currently supervised by three people who can be contacted centrally at the email address

can be reached. You can contact this address with both technical and organizational concerns. For reservation requests, please follow the procedure described under Occupancy Plan and Reservations!

To ensure a reasonably smooth and coordinated operation, it is important that all problems and reservation inquiries are directed only to this email address.

Organizational inquiries (e.g. concerning software equipment, but please no reservations) can be directed by telephone to the head of the pool rooms Dr.-Ing. Carsten Balewski at 05251 / 60-2995.

In case of urgent problems with the magnetic card access system, you can contact Dr.-Ing. Balewski (office P1.6.10.1, phone 05251 / 60-2995). Often the IRB (Tel. 05251 / 60-3317 o. -3318) can also help by restarting the affected magnetic card terminals from there.

For all other urgent technical problems please contact the RBM (Rechnerbetrieb Mathematik, Tel. 05251 / 60-3494 u. -2634).

Not so urgent problems please report only to the above email address or to pem(at)math.upb(dot)de!

However, please inform us about any problems in any case, otherwise we will not be able to eliminate them permanently.

The following rules, which are actually self-evident, must be observed when using the pool:

  1. Never disconnect computers or monitors from the mains!
  2. Smoking, drinking or eating is not allowed in the pool room.
  3. All actions that could disturb other persons in or outside the room must be refrained from. This also includes the dissemination of pictures, texts or sounds of annoying content or volume.
  4. The furnishings are to be treated properly and protected from damage or theft.
  5. Precautions must be taken to ensure that the room or its furnishings as well as the software on the computers cannot be used by unauthorized persons. For this purpose, among other things, the password for computer access must be carefully selected and kept secret.
  6. The windows and doors of the pool rooms are to be locked tightly when leaving and the whiteboards are to be left wiped clean.
  7. Any abnormalities, damage, etc. are to be reported immediately to the pool room supervisor.
  8. Attacks on other computers and users (spying out/altering data) are prohibited. Even the attempt is to be refrained from.
  9. Software provided on the computers in the pool may not be misused, copied or changed. Unless this is expressly permitted in individual cases. The applicable copyright regulations must be observed in all cases.
  10. The electrical equipment and connections must not be damaged or disturbed.
  11. When accessing the Internet, the "Netiquette" announced there shall be considered part of these regulations.
  12. It is forbidden to misuse existing security gaps in the installed software or the fundamentally existing security deficiencies of the Internet. Above all, it is forbidden to use network services under a false name.
  13. Network access may not be misused for advertising purposes or for criminal acts.
  14. Violations of these rules will result in the revocation of the user's authorization. Further civil or criminal prosecution of violations is hereby not excluded.
  15. The pool administrators may pass on user data to others for the purpose of prosecuting violations of these rules.

Furthermore, the terms of use of the IMT apply.

Please note the instructions in the pool rooms!

Equip­ment and pos­sib­il­it­ies of use

  • 21 computer workstations on GNU/Linux basis in P7.2.02.1
  • 23 computer workstations on GNU/Linux basis in P1.6.12.4
  • one teacher's computer each based on GNU/Linux
  • interactive whiteboards, which can be used interactively via a Windows8 computer or as a pure presentation surface via a teacher's PC or a notebook brought along.
  • Learning corner with whiteboard (P7.202.1 only)

In principle, room access is always possible via the magnetic card+PIN, which are given to the user when creating the login. However, the opening hours of the P-building should be observed:

Monday - Friday: 07:00 - 21:30
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00 hrs
The P-building is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Please make sure that all windows are closed before leaving the room!

The rooms are available to all students of the faculty EIM. An IMT-Login is required as well as an electronic access card to enter the rooms. Access cards will be issued by the IRB in the Guru-Room with the IMT login provided.

The following requirements must be met when applying for the access card:

  • One must have an IMT login and be able to present a student or employee ID.
  • In the IMT user administration, the service "Netzwerkspeicher" must be activated.

The terms of use Terms of use for the pool rooms apply.

The IMT:Media service center  in H1.201 is responsible for issuing media locker keys to teachers. Keys are only issued during service hours and usually require the presentation of an employee ID.

On the workstations in the room there is a GNU/Linux installation based on Debian GNU/Linux. As a basis the installation of the RBM (Rechnerbetrieb Mathematik) is used, which contains numerous extensions and adaptations of the distribution for the optimal use in the faculty. (Examples for this adaptations the integration of Matlab, Maple, Openoffice, KDE in in each case current versions).

Short-term adaptations to user wishes, which arise for example through courses, are usually possible, since a separate installation server is available for the pool.

Furthermore, the workstations can be used as thin clients in connection with EIM-I servers, in order to enable the use of the pool in the computer science environment for computer science courses.

The interactive whiteboards are operated via separate Windows8 computers, which are mounted on the whiteboards and on which one can log in with one's IMT login.

There is a ProWise touchboard in both pool rooms. The board can be operated either via the ProWise interface or via the built-in PC. The stylus (four pens, different line widths) and a wireless keyboard are located in the media cabinet, as is the remote control for the touchboard.

Alternatively, the touchboard can be controlled from the respective teacher's computer or from a notebook computer brought along.
In pool room P1.6.12.4, the external connections (HDMI and VGA) are routed directly to the table with the teacher's computer
In pool room P7.2.02.1, there is a switchbox in the media cabinet that is used to set which input is routed to the respective projector. There is also a ceiling projector here, which is also integrated into this system.

There are two buttons on the switchbox: A and B. By pressing button A several times, for example, you can select which of the four possible inputs (1 to 4) is switched to output A. There is also a remote control here.

The following diagram explains how which inputs can be switched to which projector via the switchbox. A printout of this diagram can be found on the media cabinet in P7.2.02.1 and in the download area.

File access to the home directory

Each IMT access is assigned a storage quota, which also contains the home directory that is used on the pool room computers. This home directory can also be accessed from outside the university. How to do this is described here.

Under Windows the program FileZilla can be helpful, under Mac OS you can access your home directory directly with the Finder (press Apple-K!) and under GNU/Linux directly from the command line with the command scp.

The required specifications are:

  • Server: sftp://afs-gate.upb.de
  • username: IMT-USERNAME
  • Password: IMT-PASSWORD

Remote access to individual computers

The pool room computers can be used remotely within the operating hours (Monday - Friday: 06:00 - 22:00). This allows programs to be used that are not available at home. To do this, you first need a VPN connection if you are not in the campus network:

The remote access to the pool room computers can now be done either via the command line with ssh, or with the program x2go. You need your IMT username and password as well as the name of the host you want to access. And this can be e.g. one of the following:

in P1.6.12.4:

Teaching computer (GNU/Linux): bright
Touchboardcomputer: eim-e-wb-p16124


in P7.2.02.1:

Teaching computer (GNU/Linux): cer
whiteboard computer
